
Velocity Assigned To Attack

Velocity Assigned To Attack

Audiotent Tip 380. Velocity Assigned To Attack.

An often overlooked parameter when designing sounds is velocity.
Assigning the note velocity to certain parameters of the synthesiser can help create a more engaging and playable patch.
Try the following technique when creating Tech-House & Techno chord stabs.
First, assign an envelope to a low pass cutoff filter and set the attack of the envelope to around 50-120ms.
Next, assign the note velocity to the envelope attack.
Now, the harder you press the keys the snappier and more pronounced the attack becomes. The softer you press the keys, the attack is almost reversed and becomes softer.
Looking for new presets to improve your productions? Download our FREE Xfer Serum Tech-House pack Viper HERE.

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Chorus Automation
Delay Time Modulation

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